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Bilal's (Radhiyallahu anhu) story about the Prophet

Someone inquired of Bilal (Radhiyallaho anho) how the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) met his expenses. He replied:

"He never kept back anything for future use. I arranged money for him. Whenever a needy person, whether hungry or naked, came to him, he would make him over to me and I would then arrange for his needs by borrowing money from somebody.

This is what usually happened. Once a Mushrik came to me and said: 'Look here! I have a lot of money to spare. Don't borrow money from anybody else. Whenever you need it, come straight to me.' I exclaimed: 'This is indeed fine.' I began to borrow money from him to meet the needs of the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam).

One day, after I had taken my Wudhu and was about to call Azaan, the same Mushrik accompanied by some people came and shouted, '0, Negro!' When I attended to him, he began to abuse me, using filthy language and said: 'How many days are left of this month?

'I said: 'It is about to finish. 'He said most insolently: 'Look here! there are only four days left of this month. If you fail to clear up your debts by the end of the month, I shall take you as my slave for my money and then you will be grazing sheep as you have been doing before.

After saying this he went away. I remained melancholy and full of grief throughout the day. After Isha when the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) was alone, I went and narrated the story to him, saying: '0, Prophet of Allah! you have nothing with you, nor can I arrange any money from somewhere so quickly.

I am afraid the Mushrik will disgrace me. I therefore intend to keep away for such time as you get sufficient money to clear the debts.

I went home, took my sword, shield, and shoes, and waited for the morning to make for some other place. Just before dawn, somebody came to me and said. 'Hurry up. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) wants you.' I hurried to the musjid and found four loaded camels sitting near the Prophet. He said: 'Good news, Bilal. Allah has made arrangements for clearing your debts. Take these camels with their load. The Chief of Fidak has sent them as a gift to me.

I thanked Allah and took the camels and cleared up all the debts. In the meantime, the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) kept sitting in the musjid.

When I returned, 1 said: 'Alhamdulillah.' All the debts are now clear, 0, Prophet of Allah' He inquired: 'Is there anything left from the gift?" I said, "Yes, something is still left." He said, "Go and spend that as well. I shall not go home until the whole lot is spent.' The Prophet kept sitting in the musjid all day long.

After Isha he inquired again if everything had been spent. 1 said: 'Something is still left unspent. A few of the poor have not turned up so far.' He slept in the musjid that night. Next day after Isha'a he again called me to him and said: 'Bilal! Is everything finished now?" I said: 'Yes, Allah has blessed you with peace. Everything is now spent and gone.

The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) began to hymn the Glory of Allah over this news, for he did not like death to overtake him while any of the riches were in his possession. He then went home and met his family."

It is common with pious people that they do not like to keep any wealth with them. How could the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), being the fountain-head of all piety, like to keep anything in his possession? It is said of Mau-lana Abdur Rahim (May Allah have mercy on him), a Saint of our time, that all that he received as gifts from the people was immediately spent by him and he did not keep anything for himself.

A few days before his death, he gave over all his clothes to one of his attendants and said:

"If I need to wear any clothes in my life, I shall borrow them from you."

And I also know about my late father, who whenever had any money left after Maghrib, would give it to someone of his creditors (he was several thousand rupees in debt) and would say 'I would not like to keep this source of trouble with me for the night.

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