Masjid Nabvi Fazai'l-e-amaal Arabic Design Arabic Design 2



A Sahabi once said, "0, Rasulullah, (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM), I know that the commandments of Sharee-at are many, but of these tell me the one that I may practice assiduously throughout my life." The Prophet, (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM), replied, "Keep your tongue always moist (i.e. busy) with the zikr of Allah." According to another Hadith, Harat Mu'aaz (Radhiyal-laho anho) has said, "Once at the time of my departure from Rasulullah (Sallallahu ALAIHI WASALLAM), I asked him to advise me of that action which is most pleasing to Almighty Allah: whereupon he replied, "At the time of your death, your tongue should be busy with zikr of Almighty Allah."

Note: By "my departure", Hadhrat Mu'aaz (Radhiyal-laho anho) refers to the occasion when he was appointed by the Holy Prophet (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) as the Governor of Yemen and sent there for teaching and propagating Islaam. It was at the time of that farewell that Rasulullah (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM) had given him some parting instructions.

By saying that "the commandments of Sharee-at are many", the Sahabi had meant that although observance of every commandment is imperative, to specialize and attain perfection in each and every one is difficult; and so he wanted that Rasulullah (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WASALLAM), may recommend him something of over-riding importance which he might hold fast to, and practice at all times and in all conditions of sitting, standing or walking.

According to another Hadith, a person who possesses the following four things is truly blessed, from the worldly as well as spiritual point of view:—

1. A tongue ever absorbed in the zikr of Almighty Allah.
2. A heart filled with gratitude of Allah.
3. A body capable of undergoing hardships.
4. A wife who does not betray her husband's trust in respect of her chastity and his wealth.

The phrase "moist tongue" according to some Ulama means excessive utterance (of zikr) and, idiomatically, it is used to convey excessive glorification and praise. But in my (the author's) humble opinion it can have another meaning as well. It is always very sweet and pleasant to talk of one's beloved, as is the common feeling and experience of every lover. On this basis, the phrase "moist tongue" would, therefore mean that one should glorify with love the name of Almighty Allah, so as to feel love's sweetness in the mouth.

I have observed many times that when some of my religious elders do zikr aloud, the flavour of the sweetness enjoyed by them is so transmitted to the listeners that their mouths also feel the sweetness and they share the ecstasy likewise. But this phenomenon is possible only where there is a genuine yearning for zikr, and the tongue is accustomed to excessive zikr. It is stated in one Hadith that the proof of one's love for Almighty Allah lies in one's love for the zikr of Allah, and in the same way lack of zikr betrays lack of attachment with Almighty Allah.

Hadhrat Abu Darda (Radhiyallaho anho) said that those who keep their tongues wet with the zikr of Allah, will enter paradise smiling.

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