Virtues of Ramadhaan
Abu Hurayrah relates that Rasulullah (SAW) said, "My Ummah
were given five things for Ramadhaan which were not given to anyone
except them. For them, the smell from the mouth of a fasting person
is more sweeter to Allah than the fragrant smell of musk. On their
behalf the fish in the sea seek forgiveness for the fasting persons
until they break their fast. Allah prepares and decorates a special
garden in Jannah everyday and then says (to it), "The time
is near when faithful servants shall cast aside the great trials
of the world and come to you". In this month (for them) evil-minded
Shaytaan is chained so as not to reach unto those evils to which
they normally reach during other months besides Ramadhaan. On the
last night of Ramadhaan they are forgiven".
The Sahaabah R.A. thereupon enquired, "0 Messenger of Allah,
is that last night Laylatul Qadr? Rasulullah (SAW) replied, "No.
But it is only right that a servant should be given his reward on
having completed his service".
Reported by Ahmad, Bazzaar and Bayhaqi
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