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Virtues of Ramadhaan


Abu Saeed Khudri (Radhiallahu anh) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "During each day and night of Ramadhan, Allah sets free a great number of souls from Hell. And for every Muslim, during each day and night, at least one prayer is certainly accepted."


Apart from this Hadith, there are many others stating that the 'Du'aa' of a fasting person is accepted (Mustajaab). In one Hadith, we read that the 'Du'aa'is accepted at the time of 'Iftaar', but we are generally so absorbed in eating that we neglect this opportunity. The well-known 'Duaa' at 'Iftaar' is:
"O Allah for You have I fasted, in You do I believe, and on You do I rely, and now I break this fast with food coming from you."

Abdullah bin Amr (Radhiallahu anhu) used to make the following 'Duaa' at 'Iftaar':
O Allah I beg You, through Your infinite Mercy, which surrounds all things, to forgive me.'

In some books we read that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to say:
"O You who are Great in Bounties, forgive me."

Many other prayers have been indicated for 'Iftaar', but no special 'Dua' is fixed. This time (at iftaar) is one when 'Duaa' is accepted; submit before Allah all your needs (and, if you remember, then make "Du'aa' for me too.)

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