In conclusion, it can be said that there is no way to gain honour, happiness, peace and tranquility in this life other than to adopt and firmly hold on to the work and system of “Tabligh”, for which everyone of us must use all his energies and wealth.
“Hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not create dissensions.”
This very system has actually been put into practice, in the recent past, in the territory of Mewat (an area of Alwar State) and a few other districts around Delhi (India). The work in that region, has not yet reached the final stage; the progress of the local Muslims, however, has been quite marked. The blessing and benefits of the system of “Tahligh” are clearly visible and worth witnessing. If all Muslims collectively resolve to follow the noble example mentioned above and adopt the correct system of life, as described in this book, there is every hope that, through that effort, Allah Ta’ala may obviate all our miseries and adversities and we may be able to regain our faith, the power to do righteous deeds and the resultant honour, dignity and glory in this life and attain permanent salvation in the next. The Muslims can then set an example for the rest of the world to live in peace, tranquility and happiness, which is the natural desire of every man on earth.
An attempt has been made to explain as early as possible the real purpose behind the writing of this book, which is to present to the readers the sketch of a practical way of life, which about thirty years ago had been initiated and vigorously followed by Hadhrat Maulane Mohammad Ilyas Sahib, “rahmatullah alaih”. He had in fact dedicated all his life for this sacred purpose and mission. It is up to us, the Muslims of the present time, to understand our obligations towards Islam and fulfil them in our own interest and that of the coming generations and the mankind at large. The way is clear and well set. Let us begin the march and fix our minds on the final goal, which is to acquire the pleasure and approval of Allah Ta’ala.
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