Third Lesson
Knowledge and Zikr
There are two important subjects in this lesson; first, knowledge, second, zikr (that is, remenbrance of Allah). There are so many sayings of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) which stress the utility and distinction of these two things. For instance, a hadith says, “Beware! This world, and whatever is in it, is cursed by Allah, with the exception of prayers, and zikr, and the religious scholar, and the religious student”.
Therefore, every Muslim should try his best to achieve the high standard of knowledge and zikr.
Only that knowledge is appreciated by Allah, which takes a man nearer to Him, and enables him, to observe His commandments. So much knowledge of the religion of Islam, as would purify and strengthen one’s faith, is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman. When a servant of Allah has entirely submitted himself to Allah, and has promised to observe His commandments, it is indispensable for him to know all His commandments, and the method of worship. Yes, he should have a perfect knowledge of prayers, fasting, poor-rate, hajj; of mutual dealings in everyday life, the true Islamic culture, and other important aspects of Islamic way of living. Every Muslim should particularly know those basic things about Islam, the ignorance of which is likely to commit sins; and when he has got the knowledge of these things, he must observe them in a practical form, for it has been mentioned in a hadith, “Verily, the worst punishment of Allah will be inflicted on those on the Day of Judgement, who have been scholars of religion, but did not practice it themselves”.
The distinction of a scholar and a student
Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said in a hadith, “Anyone who shows the Right Path to a Muslim, is like one who has already observed Allah’s commandments”. Another hadith says, “A thousand worshippers are not so annoying and deadly to Shaytaan, as one person who has achieved perfect knowledge about Islam”. Another hadith says, “Anyone who died during the period of attaining knowledge about Islam, his class in Jannah will be only one stage below the Ambiyaa”. Another hadith says, “The best person among you is he, who has learned the Holy Qur’an and then teaches it to other Muslims”. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says in another hadith, “May Allah keep that person fresh and healthy who listens to my instructions, and then delivers them to others, exactly as I have spoken”.
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