Fourth Lesson
Honour for a Muslim
The gist of this lesson is that every Muslim should realize the rights of other Muslims, and should observe them practically, according to the order of the classes and ranks of his brethren in Islam. Particularly, he should have great regard for the honour of a Muslim, who deserves reverence by all means, for he has the light of faith in his heart. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says in a hadith, “He is not one of us, who does not respect our elders, and does not show mercy to our youngsters and is not respectful to our scholars”. Another hadith says, “Only a hypocrite could insult these three person; first, an aged Muslim; second, a religious scholar; third, a Muslim king, who observes justice”.
According to the teaching of the Holy Qur’aan, and hadith, here are the most important qualities of a true believer. He should realize the rights of Allah’s creatures, and should be polite and humble to them. He should like for others, what he likes for himself. He should not be envious of others, nor should he have malice about them. He must not be proud. He should be courteous and loving to all. He should be the first to greet a Muslim. He should be generous enough to pardon those who have offended him. He should go to visit the sick. He should respect all just as he respects himself. He should avoid back-biting. He should overlook the weaknesses of others. If anyone consults him, he should give him the right and honest counsel. He should give financial help to the poor and the needy. He should not rejoice in the misery of others. And the most distinguished and valuable service to a Muslim is that he should be instructed with a firm faith in Allah, in the Day of Judgement, and to be prepared for it with a lot of good deeds, so that he should be delivered of the chastisement thereon. Undoubtedly, this is the best service to a brother in Islam.
Islam has instructed all the Muslims with a collective life, and has enjoined unity to them, that they should provide peace and prosperity for one another. For instance, they have been instructed to put on their best clothes, and apply perfume to them for the Jumu’ah and the Eid prayers; they have been prevented from jumping over the necks of the worshippers, or to sit between two persons without their permission, or to remove anyone from his sitting place. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, “A true Muslim is he, who does not offend any other Muslim with his tongue or hand; and a true believer is he, who does not cause any loss to another believer”. In another hadith Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, “That person will not enter Jannah, whose neighbor is not safe from his offence”.
These sayings of Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) clearly indicate that a believer should behaves so courteously towards others, that they should never fear trouble or a loss from his quarters.
In another hadith Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) clearly indicate that a believer should behave so courteously towards others, that they should never fear trouble or a loss from his quarters.
In another hadith Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says, “Whoever helps a poor and miserable person, Allah will grant him sufficient to put his affairs aright in this world, and the other seventy two rewards will sublimate his ranks in the life hereafter”. Another hadith says, “When a Muslim leaves his home to see another Muslim seventy thousand angels see him off, and all of them bless him with the mercy of Allah”. Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) says about a co-traveller, “Only that person is your chief in a journey, who serves his companions best; no one can supercede such a person, except a martyr”.
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